03/MAR/2014 CzDC.org was temporary unavailable because of DDOS attack and hosting service provider issues...
20/JAN/2011 CzDC 0.699 D1 released...
16/JAN/2011 CzDC 0.699 D released...
24/DEC/2009 CzDC 0.699 C released...
QuoteI did some "research" on thisGreat work. I add it all to new versionand collected some useful types from other p2p clients (like eMule) and will make this feature-modification patch to the dc++ development forum. I hope arnie will put thisw in the client
// These ones we can look up as ints (4 bytes...)...
static const char* typeAudio[] = { ".mp3", ".mp2", ".mid", ".wav", ".ogg", ".wma", ".669", ".aac", ".aif", ".amf", ".ams", ".ape", ".dbm", ".dmf", ".dsm", ".far", ".mdl", ".med", ".mod", ".mol", ".mp1", ".mp4", ".mpa", ".mpc", ".mpp", ".mtm", ".nst", ".okt", ".psm", ".ptm", ".rmi", ".s3m", ".stm", ".ult", ".umx", ".wow" };
static const char* typeCompressed[] = { ".zip", ".ace", ".rar", ".arj", ".hqx", ".lha", ".sea", ".tar", ".tgz", ".uc2" };
static const char* typeIso[] = { ".bin", ".bwa", ".bwi", ".bws", ".bwt", ".ccd", ".cue", ".dmg", ".dmz", ".img", ".iso", ".mdf", ".mds", ".nrg", ".sub" };
static const char* typeDocument[] = { ".htm", ".doc", ".txt", ".nfo", ".pdf", ".chm" };
static const char* typeExecutable[] = { ".exe", ".com" };
static const char* typePicture[] = { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".eps", ".img", ".pct", ".psp", ".pic", ".tif", ".rle", ".bmp", ".pcx", ".jpe", ".dcx", ".emf", ".ico", ".psd", ".tga", ".wmf", ".xif" };
static const char* typeVideo[] = { ".mpg", ".mov", ".asf", ".avi", ".pxp", ".wmv", ".ogm", ".m1v", ".m2v", ".mpe", ".mps", ".mpv", ".ram", ".vob" };
static const string type2Audio[] = { ".au", ".it", ".ra", ".xm", ".aiff", ".flac", ".midi", };
static const string type2Compressed[] = { ".gz" };
static const string type2Iso[] = { ".toast" };
static const string type2Picture[] = { ".ai", ".ps", ".pict", ".jpeg", ".tiff" };
static const string type2Video[] = { ".rm", ".divx", ".mpeg", ".mp1v", ".mp2v", ".mpv1", ".mpv2", ".qt", ".rv", ".vivo" };